The RDA Green Karst was established in 2000 by six municipalities
(Pivka, Postojna, Cerknica, Loška Dolina, Bloke and Logatec) and five other local, regional and national
support and development institutions. Although the RDA Green Karst is a private company, it acts as a
non-profit organization and functions as the regional development agency in the area of the Primorsko-notranjska
region (NUTS 3 level), covering six municipalities: Bloke, Cerknica, Loška Dolina, Ilirska Bistrica,
Pivka and Postojna. This area is part of the Eastern Slovenia Region (NUTS 2 level).
The RDA Green Karst employs 11 competent and professional individuals, experts in the specific areas of interests.
Although we are a small team, we are creative, flexible and, above all, capable people who welcome new challenges
and thoroughly enjoy conducting business.
Regional Scholarship Scheme
PLUS Change - Planning Land Use Strategies: Meeting biodiversity, climate and social objectives in a Changing world
LIBECCIO - SustainabiLIty of tourism By EnhaCing Cooperation and dIgital transformatiOn
Art and Craft
Diva - Development of ecosystems and innovation value chains: supporting cross-border innovation through Creative Industries
Sustainable tourism
Katalog regijskih izdelkov Zelenega krasa (izdaja 2019)
Katalog regijskih izdelkov Zelenega krasa (izdaja 2018)
Regionalni razvojni program Primorsko-notranjske regije 2014-2020 (Povzetek)
Katalog regijskih izdelkov Zelenega krasa (izdaja 2017)
Katalog regijskih izdelkov ZK 2015
Katalog regijskih izdelkov Zelenega krasa (izdaja 2016)
Katalog regijskih izdelkov ZK 2014
Bilten PVSP 2014 - prva skupina
Bilten PVSP 2014 - druga skupina
Bilten PVSP 2014 - tretja skupina
Katalog regijskih izdelkov Zelenega krasa 2012
Zeleni kras pod povečalom – Vodnik po poteh in izletih na Zelenem krasu