KOCOR - Tool-making industry as the pillar of technological development of Inner-Karst region


Human resources


he competency centre “Tool-making industry as the pillar of technological development of Inner-Karst region« (KOCOR) operates mainly in the industry of tool-making and related activities. The project KOCOR was selected within the national public call for co-financing the development and operation of competency centres aimed at the human resources development in the period of 2010 - 2013. 

The objectives of the project have been reached and they are as follows:

    development of competency model for professions within tool-making industry and other activities (definition of knowledge and skills, necessary for performing certain tasks), inclusion of 387 employees in the training programmes, which represents about 30 % of all employees within the partnership, organizing at least 32 hours of training programmes per individual participants, 56 % of these programmes were organized within the partnership, promotion of different methods of knowledge transfer within the companies and the partnership, and by this, development of the so-called inner mentorship programmes, promotion of professions within the tool-making industry to different, also general public (for example, schools, profession, … ), to encourage sustainable development, ensuring equal opportunities and encouragement of social inclusion within partnership and also outside of it.