GREENKARST Man - Training for sustainable development of Green KarstProgramme
Leonardo da Vinci
from 01.01.2012 to 31.12.2012
Human resources
The project was directed towards the exchange of good practices on the subject of eco-region managing. The Inner-karst region (now the Primorsko-notranjska region) has developed a strategy for the development of eco-region in 2012, along with the regional brand Green Karst and the operational plan, which included a series of activities and projects for the implementation of eco-region concept. In order to support these processes the RDA of Inner-karst (now the RDA Green Karst) has organized a study visit for decision-makers to Norway.
Our host partner, Stiftelsen Idébanken, has arranged meetings with decision-makers in several relevant institutions, enabling the participants of the study visit to exchange practices and to acquire new knowledge on the subject of the sustainable development of a region.
The project was co-funded by the EU, Leonardo da Vinci Programme.