Interreg Slovenia-Croatia
from 01.03.2007 to 31.08.2008
The basic objective of the SLOHRA ZONET project was to improve the accessibility and to broadcast information about the cross-border business environment, increase the co-operation of business zones and establish a structure for the development of a partnership network, increase the awareness of small and medium-sized companies of cross-border business opportunities, and the promotion of the common economic space.
The following project results have been noted: the analysis of business zones in the six participating regions, the creation of a plan for networking the zones through the co-operation of interest target groups, the creation of a pilot project for the possibility of establishing a new business zone, an interactive presentation of the business zone and the promotion of the common economic space through the creation of a printed promotional publication, a web-based manual and promotional presentations at fairs, assemblies and other events.
The project was co-funded by the EU, the European Territorial Cooperation Programme Slovenia-Croatia.
Contact:, 00386 5 721 22 41 (Boštjan Požar)