Creative Minds - Creativity and Entrepreneurship in Learning CompaniesDuration
from 01.05.2004 to 31.05.2005
Industry | Human resources
The project was financed by the Slovenian Public Agency for Entrepreneurship and Foreign Investments (now the Public Agency of the Republic Slovenia for the Promotion of Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Development, Investment and Tourism). The aim of the project is to encourage public discussions among young people on entrepreneurship. The project was directed to students in secondary schools, and it included the Inner-karst region (now Primorsko-notranjska region) and the Northern Primorska region.
The project conducted activities such as:
- workshops,
- discussions,
- awards for development of best Learning Company,
- videoconferences etc.
Contact:, 00386 5 721 22 48 (Jana Nadoh Bergoč)