In addition to its core tasks, which focus on the comprehensive and sustainable development of the Primorsko-Notranjska region, RRA Zeleni kras also offers business services aimed at entrepreneurs, farmers, students, employed and unemployed people who would like to develop their business ideas or upgrade their own services.
We offer a comprehensive service, from the development of an idea to its realisation. Throughout the development process, you will be accompanied by professionally trained consultants. Our main advantage is the exceptional diversity of our employees' skills, as RRA Zeleni kras combines different employee profiles:
- PhD in Environmental Sciences,
- Master's degree in management,
- graduates in law, sociology, ethnology, cultural anthropology, tourism, history, business studies, economics, journalism, geography and ecology.
Our diverse educational structure and ongoing professional training allow us to apply to each individual consultation the knowledge of those employees who are key to the successful implementation of our service.
As a company, we always strive to make the planned path easier for our consultants and to ensure that our final product is a high-quality realisation of your business idea.
At RRA Zeleni kras, we provide over 250 hours of free consultancy per year on a wide range of topics, from entrepreneurship, tourism, agriculture and business registration, and all our staff are experienced in preparing and managing a wide range of projects co-funded at municipal, national or EU level.
You are very welcome to come and visit us to review your idea together!