Project preparation
Here at RDA Green Karst, we will find the most suitable source of financing for your idea, we will help you put together your project application, find a suitable partnership and prepare all the necessary documentation to create a successful application.
RDA Green Karst has a wealth of experience in preparing project applications. We annually prepare a number of project outlines for the region and numerous smaller project applications for different tenders.
RDA Green Karst specialises in the preparation of project applications for the following programmes:
EU tenders:
- Interreg Slovenia-Croatia
- Interreg Slovenia-Italy
- Interreg ADRION
- Interreg Danube
- Interreg Central Europe
- Interreg Mediterannean
- Interreg Alpine Space
- Horizon 2020
- Erasmus+
National tenders:
- MK
Thematic tenders:
- LAS Med Snežnikom in Nanosom
- LAS Notranjska
- municipal tenders
For anyone asking themselves how to acquire financial funds for their business idea.
If you are considering registering your entrepreneurial idea, buying new farming equipment, developing an innovative service, etc. RDA Green Karst offers you help in preparing your application for public tenders that are called by different institutions:
- Ministries
- Municipalities
- Local action groups
- The Eco Fund